Valentines Taco Loving

Happy Valentines! Yea Go lovers go lovers it’s your day! lol, here at the best and one and only the mexican taco catering blog, would love to say thank you to all our taco lovers! Today’s is a special day we love to send love out to all our past taco catering guest and taco bar enthusiast! As they are the mexican taco’s favorite love birds! Okay, Okay our taco cart blog post for today is to ...

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Best Taco Catering Parties

taco zoom

GO Shorty, go Shorty Its YA birthday! We gonna sip bicardy like its YA Birthday and we don’t care because we have some of the best tacos in orange county! WhaT?! Yup, man did our taco catering guest have one of the best parties we have attended in a long time. We are lucky to provide orange countys best taco catering service, ...

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Taco Man Catering by The Mexican Taco

Taco Catering team #1

Taco Man of the year award goes to The Mexican Taco catering team #1, what? That’s correct has awarded the first taco catering team, that has catered tacos throughout southern California as the best taco man you could ever find. You can trust our taco man catering service’s as it has The Mexican Taco Logo ...

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